Advance Thresher Co. Steam Engines


Advance Thresher Co. Steam Engines

I found it very difficult to find any information on the Advance Thresher Co..

In addition to their namesake threshing machines, this company was also a prolific producer of steam traction engines.

The Advance was a Hot bulb engined twin cylinder tractor built in Sweden from 1917. Sold in Australia as the Imperial by McDonald in 1928 fitted with a 4 bearing crank.

The Advance Thresher Company of Battle Creek, Michigan was founded in 1881. In addition to their namesake threshing machines, this company was also a prolific producer of steam traction engines. Their straw burners were especially popular in the Northwest. In 1915, Advance along with Gaar-Scott and Mansfield, Ohio’s Aultman-Taylor Company became the base that formed Advance-Rumley a company that became well known for the OilPull tractor.

Excerpt from A defense of Advance Thresher Co.

By Marcus Leonard

September/October 1956


Advance Thresher Company was one of the most highly rated thresher companies, because Advance machinery was popular and the company had been under good management. Dr. Edward Rumely, for those reasons, paid what was thought to be a prohibitive price for Advance Thresher Company.

Advance Thresher Company has been unknown to the business world, since Dec. 22, 1911. The men who founded that company and the ones under whose management It prospered and grew to be one of the greatest thresher companies, have passed on, leaving but a few of the employees to defend the good name of the 'Grand Old Company'.

It was reported neither Advance Thresher Company nor Gaar Scott & Co., had been for sale and the prices were quoted so high, they did not think Dr. Rumely could or would buy them but price did not stop him and he bought both. Advance Thresher Co. stock sold at 282 and it was reported Gaar Scott & Co. stock sold at 252.

The transaction involved Advance Thresher Company, Gaar:Scott & Co. and M. Rumely Co. and was a sale, as reported by the Farm Implement News. Statements the three companies or any others, merged to form Rumely Products Co. or M. Rumely, designated from here, the Dr. Rumely Co., were not correct. Rumely Products Co., was incorporated later and Advance-Rumely Co. was not incorporated until Dec. 14, 1915, making it impossible for those companies to have been a part of the transaction. The Dr. Rumely Co. bought the Northwest Thresher Co. early in 1912.


'A merger is the combining of the interests of two or more corporations, under one of them, as a head.' It is safe to assume, had Gaar:Scott & Co. and Advance Thresher Company have had anything to do with the management of the Dr. Rumely Co., and they would have had, had it been a merger, the company would not have been in bankruptcy in 3 years

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Historic Profile: The Advance Thresher Building and the Emerson-Newton Plow Company Building, designed by the architectural firm of Kees and Colburn, were actually conceived as two manufacturing buildings. The Emerson-Newton Plow Company Building, built in 1904, mimicked the design of the Advance Thresher Building of 1900. These designs are excellent examples of the influence of Chicago architect Louis Sullivan on large-scale commercial/industrial buildings in Minneapolis at the turn of the century. Sullivan’s impact on Kees and Colburn is evident in their combined use of brick and terra-cotta in an integral façade design as well as in the broad projecting cornice. At first glance, it is difficult to discern the difference in storiation, but in fact, the Emerson-Newton Building is six stories, whereas the Advance Thresher is five.