Images of the Past
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10 years ago: Aug. 7, 1996
Threshing Bee draws 7,000: It's the way it used to be. It's a part of agricultural heritage. It's a loud hot steam-blowing blowout. It's amazing farmers who actually used the machinery got as much work done with the contraptions as they did. The McLouth Threshing Bee threw its steam engines in high gear on Friday, as the 39th annual celebration took place. Other attractions such as carnival rides, a mud volleyball tournament, an antique tractor pull, a draft horse pull were also featured. Between the patio dance on Friday night and a concert given by Double Trouble on Saturday evening, there was plenty of evening entertainment to keep a Threshing Bee patron buzzing.
Parade of Power
at the Annual McLouth Threshing Bee.
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Katlyn Ruoff, 5, Savannah, Mo.,
sits on the lap of her grandfather,
Bob Ruoff, Stewartsville, Mo.,
in front of a 1933
International pickup truck at the
annual McLouth Threshing Bee.
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at the Annual McLouth Threshing Bee.
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